Service Points : KT 2695 with Expressia and Display

KT 2695 with Expressia and Display

A 5 button KT with an Expressia and a display.

Global Settings

Name of the unit.
Description of the unit.
Template name
Name of the unit type template
Template version
Version of the unit type template
Timeout between keystrokes
Max time between keystrokes before terminal goes back to default state (seconds).
LCD refresh time
Timeout between automatic refresh of information in the KT LCD (seconds). Set to 0 to not refresh at all.
24 Hour clock
If this check box is checked, the time should be displayed with a 24 hour clock. If it is not checked, it should be displayed with a 12 hour clock.
Min time between call next
Defines the time that must elapse between two call next on a Service Point for a specific user (seconds).

Equipment Profile Level Settings

Name of the unit.
Description of the unit.
Type name
Name of the unit type.
Type description
Description of the unit type.
Unit id
Identification code of the unit.
Store next
Defines if store next is enabled or not.
LED show when calling
From the drop-down list, select what to show on the LED display when calling a visit.
LED Open text
Text on LED display when Service Point is open but not serving any visit. Leave empty if not used.
LED Open scroll direction
Select the wanted scrolling direction for LED Open text, from the drop-down list.
LED Open scroll speed
Select the wanted scroll speed for LED Open text, from the drop-down list.
LED Waiting text
Text on LED display when Service Point is waiting for a visit (in Store next mode). Leave empty if not used.
LED Waiting scroll direction
Select the wanted scrolling direction for LED Waiting text, from the drop-down list.
LED Waiting scroll speed
Select the wanted scroll speed for LED Waiting text, from the drop-down list.
LED Closed text
Text on LED display when Service Point is closed. Leave empty if not used.
LED Closed scroll direction
Select the wanted scrolling direction for LED Closed text, from the drop-down list.
LED Closed scroll speed
Select the wanted scroll speed for LED Closed text, from the drop-down list.
P1 behavior
Behavior of button P1. Available choices are: User defined work profile, Locked to work profile 1, Locked to profile 2, Locked to profile 3, Locked to profile 4, or Locked to profile 5.
P2 behavior
Behavior of button P2. Available choices are: User defined work profile, Locked to work profile 1, Locked to profile 2, Locked to profile 3, Locked to profile 4, or Locked to profile 5.
P3 behavior
Behavior of button P3. Available choices are: User defined work profile, Locked to work profile 1, Locked to profile 2, Locked to profile 3, Locked to profile 4, or Locked to profile 5.
P4 behavior
Behavior of button P4. Available choices are: User defined work profile, Locked to work profile 1, Locked to profile 2, Locked to profile 3, Locked to profile 4, or Locked to profile 5.
P5 behavior
Behavior of button P5. Available choices are: User defined work profile, Locked to work profile 1, Locked to profile 2, Locked to profile 3, Locked to profile 4, or Locked to profile 5.
Green LED
Select the wanted behavior of the green LED, from the drop-down list.
Select the wanted behavior of the red LED, from the drop-down list.
Use login
Check this check box if you want to log in before using the terminal.
Logout on close
Automatically log out when closing Service Point.
Expressia Key 1 (Excellent)
Mapping of key 1. Specify the mark code for Excellent.
Expressia Key 2 (Good)
Mapping of key 2. Specify the mark code for Good.
Expressia Key 3 (Acceptable)
Mapping of key 3. Specify the mark code for Acceptable.
Expressia Key 4 (Poor)
Mapping of key 4. Specify the mark code for Poor.
Expressia Key 5 (Unacceptable)
Mapping of key 5. Specify the mark code for Unacceptable.
Expressia force selection
If this check box is checked, a selection must be made on the Expressia before the current visit is ended.
LED flash time
LED Display flash time (seconds).
LED turn off time
Automatically turn off Service Point display after this time of inactivity (seconds).
Auto close
Automatically close Service Point after this time of inactivity (seconds).
Device Controller
From the drop-down list, select which default Device Controller should be used.

Branch Level Settings

Default name
Default name of the unit.
Description of the unit.
Number of units (max 127)
Enter the number of units to create when publishing this unit to a configuration.
Unit Identifiers
A table with unit identifiers, which is dependant on which Number of units you have entered in the field above. So, if the number 4, for example is entered, the table will automatically get 4 rows.
The two columns of the table are:
Name - Name of the unit, by default the name of the unit plus a sequential number, for example WebReception 5 or WebServicePoint 2. Can be changed to anything, so long as the name is unique, within the Branch.
Logic Id - An ID used in the connectors. The Logic Id continues with the next number in the sequence of the auto generated ID's within the unit type (e.g. Service Points, Entry Points, or Presentation Points). The number can be changed to anything, in the range of 1-9999, as long as it is unique within the Service Point, Entry Point, or Presentation Point.
Example: If you have a total of 4 units and let the first three keep the automatically set Logic Id’s 1-3, then manually set the fourth unit to Logic Id 12, then change the Number of units to 5, the fifth unit will automatically get Logic Id 4.
Unit id
Identification code of the unit.
ID Code
Starting ID code. Valid values between 1-125.
ID Code Expressia
Starting ID code for Expressia. Valid values between 1-125.
Device Controller
Name of Device Controller that is used.